Genuine liberty, fulfillment, and success are encountered when there is a preoccupation with submitting to God’s authority, not an obsession with acquiring things.
God provides all that you need to help you honor him.
Do not let your desires disguised as well-meaning efforts cause you to set aside the priority of your life.
It’s easy to get so focused on the activities of the day that your priorities get out of balance.
Beloved, know that God has and will provide for your needs, including those above your material needs.
Your effort may bring a level of comfort, but his provision brings joy, peace, and stability.
You must allow him to infiltrate every area of your life. This is the first step of Kingdom work.
Remember that He has spoken concerning your entire life.
Believe it and live like his plans are set with yea and amen.
I am praying for you. I am praying that you experience clarity of purpose, renewed commitment to pursue the desire He placed in your heart. I am praying that you possess the strength to run, walk, or be still according to his will. I am praying that you experience God’s love so profoundly today that you answer the call to be extraordinary with a resounding yes. I am praying that you embrace being set apart for a greater purpose and that you will surrender all to accomplish it. Trust Him.
May the peace and joy of God fill your inner man so completely that praise freely flows out of your mouth. May the divine nature of your purpose become more apparent with every small act of faith. May you receive physical strength and stamina to accomplish every task. May others see your good works and give praise to the Father.
You are blessed. Live like you know it, and no one can change it. #mcmpropheticintercession #strengthforGodswarriors #prayerworks #prophetic #apostolic #propheticprayer #christian #womanoffaith #believer
As I consider the triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the beginning of passion week, incredible visions of your destiny and purpose unfold in my heart, mind, and strength. I am praying for you.
I pray that you would realize, no actualize, your divine purpose. It’s time to unlock what has been kept back. I pray that the wonder of Jesus’ death and resurrection would serve as the quintessential example and catalyst for you to leap to your NEXT. I pray that your path will be more apparent than ever before and that your courage does not fade.
As you follow our Savior’s example, I pray that you are not intoxicated by the cheers that come with success nor dissuaded by the sneers of those who may not understand your journey. I pray that you stay the course, realizing that it is all a part of the experience. I pray unwavering faith and resilience over you. May your heart be stable and committed to fulfilling the purpose for which you were created. Let the Creator govern the reins of your heart that you would discern truth and walk in it.
May your life bring God glory first by being who he created you to be, then by doing what he assigned you to do.
May you love purely and unconditionally. I pray that you trust Him more and embrace the new. (new partnerships/relationships/friendships, new methods, new environments, new thoughts, new ideas, new levels of obedience)
I pray that you remember how much you are loved and uniquely created to change your world.
I pray that you pursue an extraordinary life.
May the good, perfect, and acceptable will of God be revealed in your life.
Blessings to you!
Just a quick thought today
Remember to find a solitary place to commune with the Lord every day.
You will find renewal, direction, and comfort in the presence of the Father.
As you prepare for the week ahead, be deliberate about your prayer time.
He desires to talk with you.
Pursue him.
#mikaelacadeministries #mcmpropheticintercessor #prayerworks #apostolic #propheticinsight #beextraordinary #strengthforGodswarriors
Let the promise of greater fulfillment and more profound experiences in God lead you to master personal responsibility.
Remember these things:
- Consecrate your whole life to him.
- Pray, and seek divine perspective.
- Be fearless in honoring the faith.
- Let your attitude and not just your actions reveal your faith and obedience.
- Always be sincerely grateful for every act of grace and mercy he gives you.
It is this commitment to faithfulness that gains the attention of the Father. Today, think about how you can give deliberate attention to cultivating your inner man.
Consider an area of your life where you might need to go deeper. Ask yourself, Are these four things are consistently true and evident in that area? What can I do today to move toward greater fulfillment in that area? #yourgrowuppastor #romans12 #strength4Godswarriors #beextraordinary #prohpeticinsight #mentorshipmonday #mondaymotivation #propheticflow
God always has a plan– a strategy. And his plans never fail. So, are you ready for victory?
If you’re ready, there is no better time for a prophetically inspired prayer plan of action. Join Pastor Mikaela Cade as she shares the monthly road map for kingdom expansion.
You can experience the satisfaction and fulfillment that comes from a strategically set prayer life.
In a world filled with fear and anxiety and blinded by darkness, it’s time for men and women of faith to come together with an expectation of changing the world.
Let the church arise and manifest the power and glory of God on Earth.
The spiritual battle is intensifying. You must walk in your divine authority and power.
This is the hour of prayer, and you can’t afford to miss the instructions.
Register here:
Considering that nothing can annul God’s word for your life, let us pursue His best plan for our lives. Let us live with confidence amid chaos. Let us remain committed to the Kingdom in the face of calamity. Let us endeavor to prove that His will is good and perfect and acceptable.
Beloved know that this is the opportune time (kairos) for the revelation of authentic purpose. It is time to advance the will and plan of God. In this hour, you are called, chosen, and appointed to live in the power and light of true faith and allegiance to God. Remember that God’s word is truth. God’s plan is based on truth. God is the truth. His word can not be undone or overturned. His plans can not be thwarted. There is no power more incredible, and no one more faithful than our Father. I encourage you to trust him with everything. Let no part of your life remain untouched by His word. Let it wash over you.
Let it refine you. Let it heal you. His word is suitable for all that you need, from wisdom to healing to strength and beyond. Be confident in knowing that God’s word is established and remains steady. Recognize that He is ALWAYS working, moving, directing, guiding. He helps those who love him and his purpose. He pours out more grace on those who deliberately choose to live according to his plan.
Believe it. Trust it. Live by it, and be extraordinary.
#mcmpropheticintercessor #yourgrowuppastor #prophetic #jesus #prayer #prophet #faith #christian #prophecy #love #propheticword #bible #holyspirit #god #jesuschrist #church #revival #gospel #propheticinsight #christ #apostolic #propheticministry #inspiration #motivation #wordofgod #hope #worship #ministry #christianity
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”
Proverbs 9:10
Let us reverence the Lord with hearts filled with gratitude and love, knowing that he gives insight and understanding to walk with confidence and certainty during challenging times.
Beloved, God is the ultimate reformer and our redeemer. Let us call upon him and align our actions with his truth. Let our efforts always agree with who he has called us to be. Let our actions and activity align with the Lord’s plans and purposes. Let the cause of the kingdom prevail in your hearts. Hearts that have intimate knowledge of the holy, and understand the depths of “thy kingdom come.”
I pray that the same knowledge and understanding moves you to even more passionate and vehement prayer to the only One who can change everything– The Holy One. Let us recall that nothing is impossible with God. Let the credibility of God give rise to great praise and radical obedience. I pray that insight into the kingdom’s plan causes your heart and mind to cry out, “thy will be done.”
As an intercessor, let your heart be filled with an overwhelming desire to establish righteousness in the earth. Diligently call upon the righteous God, and remain consistent with your assignment. Trust in the purity of his love, mercy, and power.
Pursue God’s expected end with a pure and undivided heart. God waits for his children to call upon him. We must want what God wants. The desire to know what God wants and agree with him marks a turning point in your prayer life. Agreeing with God moves you to a place of more excellent spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Agreeing with God keeps you in perfect peace. Agreeing with God gives you the freedom to love and live well, and conquers all fear.
God waits for the heart of man to turn from all other things and back to him. Let us turn and do what the Lord requires. Let our actions be inspired by God, birthed through God, and sustained by God. Let wisdom, insight, and understanding fuel our lives outside of the prayer closet. Then we will live and walk each day with the kingdom’s vision in front of us, inspired by God’s revelation regarding the things we see on the earth. #wednesdaywisdom #yourgrowuppastor #mcmpropheticintercessor #prophetic
God always has a plan– always. He always wins. Let us seek to experience the great success that comes from a strategically set prayer life. Let us unlock the power and authority of the Kingdom by mastering the key to corporate prayer. There is no better time for a prophetically inspired prayer plan of action. A plan that positions you to pray and live on another level and releases God’s divine authority.
Unfortunately, we see a world filled with fear and anxiety, but I believe it’s time for men and women of faith to come together with the shared expectation of changing the world. Let the church arise and manifest the power and glory of God on Earth.
I hear the Lord calling those who are willing to surrender to his plan to a new place of understanding, confidence, and power. The spiritual battle is intensifying. Position yourself to walk in your divine authority and power.
Join Pastor Mikaela Cade for the next Prophetic Prayer Strategy Session. Let us seek to experience the great success that comes from a strategically set prayer life. Let us unlock the power and authority of the Kingdom by mastering the key to corporate prayer.
#yourgrowuppastor #buildingkingdomcapacity #mcmpropheticprayer