It’s probably not your go-to scripture for transformation, but it reminds us that God is always working on transformation in us.
He has a goal for your life, and it is good.

Think about it for a moment: God has desires for your life. He has a plan. And he uses the work of repentance to usher you into a greater level of Christlikeness.
This puts a different lens on “all things work together for the good of them who love the Lord.

Beloved, repentance from sin that leads to forgiveness unlocks a flow of his love, grace, mercy, and compassion – all instruments of transformation – that change you.
So then He works the transformation in the innermost part of you— your spirit- so that those same graces flow through you to impact and transform others. Your spiritual transformation changes everything. The fruit of its work is that it increases your intimacy with God, which changes your perspective and deepens your thoughts, words, and actions.

Psalm 51 shows us David, the repentant king, confessing his sin to God. David is not riddled with guilt and shame but has a healthy disdain for his sin and a clearer view of his human frailty. We must learn to despise the sin while valuing the creature. Yet, recognizing his humanity, he did not make excuses, blame others, or shift responsibility. We are responsible for our choices. We may not get to choose what happens to us, but we always get to decide how we respond; therefore, we always have a choice. He recognized that sin dishonored his Creator. He acknowledged that every sin, slight insult, or missing mark is ultimately directed as an insult to the Creator—the one who can destroy the soul and body. This weight of this truth transformed his heart, mind, and soul. You see, true repentance brings revelation and illumination. What is even more interesting is what David did after the revelation. He asked for cleansing. He committed to teaching others. He increased his respect for God.

Let us choose to be inspired by the grace and mercy of God. Let us learn that though we may sin, God’s love is greater than that and sufficient to perfect us. Let us recognize that when we cry out for forgiveness, we also ask for transformation. From this perspective, forgiveness is not a cry to escape consequences but a call for the deep transformative work of God. We must remember that at the inception of all sin is a lack of faith. May we pray that our faith be increased. Our cry and God’s response lead to a life that reflects his glory and positions us for unspeakable joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment.

There’s so much more, but that’s what all preachers say—blessings to you.