“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”
Proverbs 9:10
Let us reverence the Lord with hearts filled with gratitude and love, knowing that he gives insight and understanding to walk with confidence and certainty during challenging times.
Beloved, God is the ultimate reformer and our redeemer. Let us call upon him and align our actions with his truth. Let our efforts always agree with who he has called us to be. Let our actions and activity align with the Lord’s plans and purposes. Let the cause of the kingdom prevail in your hearts. Hearts that have intimate knowledge of the holy, and understand the depths of “thy kingdom come.”
I pray that the same knowledge and understanding moves you to even more passionate and vehement prayer to the only One who can change everything– The Holy One. Let us recall that nothing is impossible with God. Let the credibility of God give rise to great praise and radical obedience. I pray that insight into the kingdom’s plan causes your heart and mind to cry out, “thy will be done.”
As an intercessor, let your heart be filled with an overwhelming desire to establish righteousness in the earth. Diligently call upon the righteous God, and remain consistent with your assignment. Trust in the purity of his love, mercy, and power.
Pursue God’s expected end with a pure and undivided heart. God waits for his children to call upon him. We must want what God wants. The desire to know what God wants and agree with him marks a turning point in your prayer life. Agreeing with God moves you to a place of more excellent spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Agreeing with God keeps you in perfect peace. Agreeing with God gives you the freedom to love and live well, and conquers all fear.
God waits for the heart of man to turn from all other things and back to him. Let us turn and do what the Lord requires. Let our actions be inspired by God, birthed through God, and sustained by God. Let wisdom, insight, and understanding fuel our lives outside of the prayer closet. Then we will live and walk each day with the kingdom’s vision in front of us, inspired by God’s revelation regarding the things we see on the earth. #wednesdaywisdom #yourgrowuppastor #mcmpropheticintercessor #prophetic