Considering that nothing can annul God’s word for your life, let us pursue His best plan for our lives. Let us live with confidence amid chaos. Let us remain committed to the Kingdom in the face of calamity. Let us endeavor to prove that His will is good and perfect and acceptable.
Beloved know that this is the opportune time (kairos) for the revelation of authentic purpose. It is time to advance the will and plan of God. In this hour, you are called, chosen, and appointed to live in the power and light of true faith and allegiance to God. Remember that God’s word is truth. God’s plan is based on truth. God is the truth. His word can not be undone or overturned. His plans can not be thwarted. There is no power more incredible, and no one more faithful than our Father. I encourage you to trust him with everything. Let no part of your life remain untouched by His word. Let it wash over you.
Let it refine you. Let it heal you. His word is suitable for all that you need, from wisdom to healing to strength and beyond. Be confident in knowing that God’s word is established and remains steady. Recognize that He is ALWAYS working, moving, directing, guiding. He helps those who love him and his purpose. He pours out more grace on those who deliberately choose to live according to his plan.
Believe it. Trust it. Live by it, and be extraordinary.
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