Here’s a simple thought — God’s benevolent, all-sufficient word spoken over you and faithfully received will increase the quality of your life and impact all your relationships. He makes you rich in all things– not just monetarily. His blessing brings no sorrow. (But there’s more)

The truth in this proverb should not just leave you rejoicing over the maketh rich but challenge you to consider the issue of sorrow. Therefore you must be on the lookout for feelings of sorrow, i.e., sadness, regret, grief, hopelessness, disappointment, or discouragement. These feelings are common experiences of humanity, but none are bigger than God’s love, beyond God’s ability to manage or at the core of his blessing.

Failing to recognize the power and purpose of emotions may cause you to sabotage God’s plan for your life by moving you to focus on them and ignore the promise and power of God. Your emotions are ALWAYS present and can show up so powerfully that you begin to trust them and move accordingly (your way), BUT GOD would have you recognize them and purposely decide to follow his will (his way). His aim is that you acknowledge your feelings and respond to every situation in ways consistent with a life built upon faith. You must remember that that soul is comprised of the mind, will, and emotions, and each component desires to rule your life, but God says be led by the spirit and walk by faith. Don’t let the intensity of the soul overshadow the authority of God.

Here’s a game-changing perspective, emotions or feelings are a clue that the situation demands a response. It’s actually an empowering perspective that gives you the freedom to connect your feelings, intellect, and God’s word before you take action. You must learn to seek God for your next steps. You must recognize the need to talk to the one who created the plan and spoke the blessing.

You do not need to be afraid of feelings, you do not need to deny your emotions, and your feelings should not drive the reactions and actions of your life.

True faith moves from intellectual assent to a daily experience change to a life of power, peace, and purpose. True faith leads to radical transformation.

So how do you do it? Where do you start? First, in your next difficult situation, recognize and confess what you’re feeling to the Lord. Confession is speaking the same thing that God says about an issue. Second, you must respect the authority of God in the situation. Third, obey God despite your feelings.

Now the wisdom of Proverbs 10:22, feelings of deep disappointment or sadness in yourself or others should alert you of the need to “call” the Creator to help you figure out what’s really going on. God loves you and would never set you up for failure. He declares you victorious. You must believe that He is and can do everything He says. Therefore if He said it, it is so. However, you must have the mind of Christ —to really experience the unspeakable joy and liberty that comes from his blessing. Beloved, remember that God’s work in and through you is designed to perfect (mature) you so completely that you are an able warrior fulfilling your purpose with passion and power.

The next time you become aware of your emotions, ask yourself, what does God say about what I’m feeling about this? Don’t make it up; go to the word. Call on a trusted advisor who can lead you to God’s way if you get stuck. But most of all, remember that God loves you and will never leave you.

Maybe you’re thinking, this sounds good, but how does this work in my life? If you’re ready to take your life to the next level but don’t quite know how let’s chat one-on-one. Book a 20-minute discovery session to find out if it’s time to partner with a life strategist to help you bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be.


Blessings to you!