Sorting through my email box, which honestly I should do more frequently, a thought came to me. What does the information in your email box say about you?
Now you are probably thinking this is not novel or even spiritual but wait…. Reviewing the subjects, senders, and responses can be a quick tool to help you assess what your energies have been focused on. For example, if you say that it is important to build your business this year but the majority or your emails have been spam, forwards, or gossiping emails —you may not be leveraging your resources to get the results you desire. Your email sent box provides you a daily, weekly, or monthly analysis about your priorities and what captures your attention. I know it’s only a part of the story but remember the old adage “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” Or even, “take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. SS 2:15.
God has given each of us a divine mission and we have a limited amount of time to accomplish it. Are you maximizing the precious resource of time?
Today, I invite you to take about 3 minutes, look at the story your email box tells about your priorities, does it tell the story you want written? Are you focused, are your actions supporting your God given goals? Or do you need to make some adjustments? If you are on target praise God. Pray that you continue on and that others who may not be able to answer yes right now may soon be doing so. If not, praise God still and thank Him for His mercies and the opportunity He has given right now to take an action step toward lining up your efforts with your priorities.
Be Blessed Today and Always.