Over the past few months, it may seem that I’ve been a little unplugged since I’ve spent considerable time away from blogging, Facebook, and Twitter. In reality though, the time I spent away from certain things created greater space for others things like rest, reflection, and refocusing. I was actually away from Facebook for so long, at least by their standards, that when I accessed my page they sent me a “Welcome Back” email. That was just too funny.
At any rate, I wish I could say that it was all a part of my well thought out plan. I can’t. I wish I could say I was keenly aware of and willing to take the time I needed for rest, reflection, and reconnecting. I can’t. I cannot take the credit – it belongs to God. You see, he always has a plan. He knows what we need and will make sure we get it even if we are too busy to notice. What an awesome and loving God. By his sovereignty, God continuously leads us to rivers of restoration, revival, and even relaxation. He is our shepherd. God knows when it is time to quiet the noise, slow the pace, and position you for transition. God knows the who, what, when, why, where, and how of your life. He wants to share it with you. He wants to ensure that you are following the path he has outlined. He wants to insure you against being overcome by the challenges and circumstances of life. He wants to give you strength and courage when it seems that the path of life you are walking is different than you imagined. It is important to remember that God is with you, leading you, and guiding you. Again, heknows what’s best. He is the ultimate life strategist. It is also important to listen and be willing to adjust your pattern in order to conform to his plans. Refuse to get more focused on doing things than listening to him. If your focus is off you may miss out on some critical changes that he is making in your life.
Today, God may be asking you to make more room for him in order to get clearer on the vision he has for your life. He may be tugging at your heart to pray more or perhaps longer in order to be reassured that you are on track, even if it looks or feels a little strange. He may be encouraging you to trust him and step out on faith even if things look a little different. Resist the urge to succumb to fear and doubt. Resist the temptation to fight to maintain the status quo. Don’t waste time and energy fighting to hold on to something God has allowed to come to a natural end; he is moving you to new and better things. Keep walking and trust him for new opportunities and opened doors.
I see it a little like our drive from Italy to Germany. As we travel we go through tunnels, over bridges, up mountains, and across plains. We see so many different things, but it’s all beautiful. The point is, your journey will not be made up of one particular type of terrain, don’t let that cause you to panic or give up. If you lack clarity and certainty dare to unplug from a few things that may be stealing your time and plug into God. You see, it’s during times of uncertainty that you must be completely plugged into God. God wants to give you certainty. It is in his presence that you gain the courage and strength to persevere—knowing that those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. It is in his presence that you are assured of his power and ability. It is in his presence that you come to humbly rely on him and not yourself. He wants the best for you and will stop at nothing to get it to you. You must trust him and step out in faith.
My prayer for you is that you are completely and wholeheartedly connected to God and pursuing his vision for your life.
Blessings to you!