Just a few more thoughts from the last post…
As you dare to plug into God and take bigger steps of faith, remember these things:Focus is critical. The ability to focus is crucial to fulfilling vision. Sometimes we forget who we are to focus on and allow activities or things to become the center of everything. This can cause things to become idols in your life. If you are to fulfill God’s vision for your life you must also learn to narrow your focus. When you are focused you make progress. You accomplish things. Focus produces action that yields results. Don’t mistake a focused state of mind with a hypnotic state of mind. Believe that it is God that brings increase.Methods changes… principles don’t. God’s principles are unfailing and unchanging, yet there are many ways to do things. When God is preparing you for a new season you must be willing to change. Sometimes the change is not so much what you do, but what/how you think about doing it. Be willing to adjust and to be adjusted. Allow God to elevate your thoughts, sharpen your action, and reshape your plan. You will find that inspiration comes when you stop fighting about something God is working to change. Believe that he wants to the best for you.God is God. You must trust and believe him. You must whole-heartedly believe that God knows what is best for you. You must always remember that where you are, what you are experiencing, even what you are feeling is not news to him. He knows where you are right now, what’s going on in your life and how you really feel about it. You must find ways to reverence and obey him in all things. Learn to walk in agreement with God and you will discover a new level of power for your life. Believe that God’s word will not come up short.Today, I challenge you to make a deliberate decision to silence the noise around you and plug into God. Don’t allow the busyness of life keep you from excelling in God’s business. He wants so much more for you, your life, and your area of influence. Plug in!Blessings to you!