Just a few thoughts this morning, before I hit the road…
You want to live a more satisfying, fulfilling, peaceful, powerful, purpose life? You must live uncompromisingly according to the Word of God.
Jesus gave his life for the remission of our sins and to prove the validity and power of God’s Word. God’s word has more power than your will. It gives more wisdom than your mind could ever conceive. It is more inspiring than any emotional episodes. God’s word is powerful and real. It is given for you. It is to heal you, deliver you, restore you, inspire you, guide you, and the list goes on and on. You must believe it, respect it, and live according to it.
Sometimes we forget that Jesus Christ is the Word of God made flesh. This means he embodied the actual intellect and wisdom of God. Often it seems people fixate on their emotional thoughts of the man while forgetting to acknowledge his complete nature. As you grow in faith and understanding, recognize that humanity and divine combined to give us a pure example of how we are to live. Jesus was completely committed to doing the will of God- understanding, living and obeying the word. We must possess the same mind. John 1:1 tells us, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Getting closer to God and living an extraordinary life is not some smoke and mirror illusion, nor is it mind over matter. You cannot think your way closer to him. You cannot experience the powerful effects of his word if you do not believe, understand, or do it. You must respect, honor, and obey the Word. Today, hold the Word of God in higher esteem. Believe it. Respect it. Do it. I know that you will be blessed by it.
Blessings to you!