We are the parents of four children, three girls and one boy. Needless to say, our home is an interesting place to live.  Each day we walk with our children through joys, heartaches, laughter, chaos, and of course, seemingly endless homework assignments. We get to celebrate their victories and comfort and encourage them when they experience loss.  It is an amazing experience that we have grown to appreciate more with every year that passes.  One day, when they were all babies and I was not “feeling” particularly confident that I would know life without a double stroller, a double sized diaper bag, and rows of car and booster seats, the Lord stepped in.  He reminded me that each of the souls we had been given to care for have a purpose and destiny before Him.  He was indeed their heavenly Father.  He reminded me that beyond physical reproduction and ensuing responsibilities, the spiritual responsibility of parenting was a reality just as powerful.   
      Parenting is more than an outcome of natural reproduction.  It has a tremendous spiritual truth before God. It is far more important than picking names or buying clothes.  It is more rigorous than getting up for 2 AM feedings, changing diapers, or even doing things to stimulate a child’s intellectual growth and development.   Parenting is about effective spiritual reproduction.
      God wants the earth to be filled with people who love Him, serve Him, and display His glory. Genesis 1:28 “And God blessed them, and God said, unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the seas, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”  Ultimately, we can tie parenting to fulfilling the plan of God.
     As Christian parents we are to replenish the earth with people who are able to subdue and have dominion in it.  Interestingly enough, natural reproduction provides a picture of this spiritual truth.  This is not to say that biological parents are the only ones who can do the job effectively, it only shows the picture is established in heaven.  We can all attest to the fact that many great parents never biologically produce children yet they still fulfill the plan and purposes of God.  The key is not the natural but the spiritual truth. I am grateful that God’s fulfillment of His plan is never limited to the methods or the limited vision of man. 
      As Christian parents we must understand that we are the stewards of God’s property.  Children are the investments of God.  And though I am not a financial planner, I do know that all good investments produce a return.  It stands to reason then that God is looking for a return on His investment in you.  As a parent, be sure that you are giving adequate attention to your child’s spiritual growth.  Take time and care to nurture them and demonstrate God’s truth in front of them.  Help them experience prayer; teach them, not just about the rules but about the love of God.  Be sure to give them a life where they learn of both His grace and mercy.
     It is not enough to simply raise good children obedient to you; they must be raised to be God’s children.  Live each day with a desire to keep the heart of your child sensitive to God’s touch so that when His Spirit calls, they will effortlessly respond and commit to Him.  Deuteronomy chapter 6 gives us some initial instruction on parenting.  We must teach them about God, His ways, His power, His plan, His love — everything; that through Him they become all they are destined to be. As a parent, you are the greatest influence in your children’s lives.  Be a good steward over them and strive to uncover purpose in them.
     Soon we will begin a great tele-class on Christian parenting.  I am excited  about this group and the powerful information and strategies that will be shared.  I would like to personally extend an invitation to you to take part in the “Parenting on Purpose” tele-class.  We will further examine the roles and responsibility of biblically sound Christian parenting, including parenting through ages and stages, discipline, and positioning your children to fulfill purpose. 
     Today, I invite  you to take a moment and give God thanks for the confidence He has in your ability to be good stewards over and in the life of your children.  I pray that your parenting experiences will bring you joy and satisfaction knowing that you are a good and faithful servant of God.

Be Blessed Today and Always,