As our family prepares for our yearly spring break trip, I thought about our awesome trip from last year and how God showed his miraculous power. Today, I ‘ll share the story in hopes that it will remind you that God can do anything.
Last year, my family and I took our traditional spring break trip and it was great. In addition to all the fun, food, and laughter, God demonstrated his incredible power and faithfulness in answering prayer. You see, just before we left for the airport, I decided to investigate the weather forecast at our destination. To my dismay, the forecast was projected to be cold, rainy, and extremely windy. The forecast was so bad that they were even warning travelers of possible flight delays. With all that information, I breathed a very simple prayer (yes, for no rain), got in the car, and headed to the airport.
When we arrived it was cloudy but as we headed to the resort it got clearer and clearer. In fact, each day of our vacation got better and better. The forecasters begin to report that the warmth and sunshine was unseasonable. Everyday, we were extremely grateful and every day praised God for his provision. We had a great week and enjoyed all the blessings of God. It didn’t rain and our God ordained vacation went well; but, there was something more. As we got in the airport shuttle to head home it started to rain. Honestly, I didn’t really notice, but my husband brought it to my attention.
Now, you might be thinking what’s so significant about that? God is in control. He provides and he is faithful. Whenever our lives are set to do his will and glorify him he makes abundant provision for us. God’s will for our lives last week, was that we rest, recuperate, and connect as a family and nothing would be allowed to keep us from that— not even the rain.
Today, I pray that you will notice the provision of God in your life even in the small things. Take a moment and acknowledge answered prayer. Praise him for prayer answered above your request. Becoming more aware of his presence and faithfulness in your life will only seek to give you greater confidence in his love for you. Remember he can stop the rain!
Now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all you ask or think according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. Ephesians 3: 20-21
Blessings to you!