Wow!! It’s been a quick summer.  I must say that I made no deliberate decision to stay away from blogging during the entire summer but sometimes life happens.  Our summer was consumed with a myriad of events: the high school graduation of our oldest daughter, seeing my dearest friend after four years, the loss of our sister in a car accident, tremendous transitions in our community, and (praise the Lord) taking our newly graduated daughter to begin university life a mere 5,600 miles away from home. (And that is only a fraction of it all)
Just a few days ago, someone said to me, “Wow, you have really been through “it” this summer.”  To which I responded, “Been through what?” I am often reminded that my perspective is not typically the norm.  He started to recount the last twelve weeks of my life from his perspective. It was interesting and sounded a little dismal.   As I listened, I thought, “Well, when you say it like that it does sound like I should be tired, stressed out, and sad.”  But all I could actually say was, “Yes, it’s been quite a busy summer but faith makes you resilient.”  I am glad to be able to say that I know and believe the power of Romans 8:28.  Through all the events my focus has been on God’s faithfulness and love.  He has never left me lonely, lost, or without comfort.  The way I see it, we have not just endured a hectic summer we have prevailed. Although many of the things I normally have on my agenda changed, God has been up to something. Over the last twelve weeks, my personal schedule hasn’t been quite what I would have expected or planned, but God has been up to something. Sometimes the timing of the significant events of life seemed as if they would overtake us but as each one unfolded I saw that God was up to something. In the midst of everything He was always right there leading, guiding, comforting, directing, and providing abundantly for us.  He caused me to remember and appreciate, on a greater level, His presence with me. God reminded me that when my focus is Him, though schedules and plans change He will never leave.   Through the events of this summer He also reminded me that my relationship with Him is more important than anything I can ever do for Him.  There are many facets to the “ministry” He has given and fufulling each one is important.  As I successfully fulfill the demands of each facet in obedience to His word, I am worshipping Him.  When my schedule and His plans for me are in sync I can relax and rest in Him.  So as we enter September, I happily return to blogging as time and space again allow.  I invite you to walk with me weekly as we grow in the most important relationship of our lives, our relationship with the Father.  Today, I leave you with a question, what has God been up to in your life?  I’d love to hear from you.

Be Blessed Today and Always,