Arbitrarily tacking “in the name of Jesus,” to the end of your prayer does not guarantee you an answer to prayer. Just like reading “in God we trust,” on the back of a dollar does not make everyone a believer.  Jesus’ command to ask in His name is not an invitation to manipulate God, but a call to skillful prayer.  The very fact that Jesus himself advises us to ask in his name reveals that it is an issue to be spiritually understood not carnally appropriated. So what does it mean to pray in His name?
Praying or asking in His name refers to the total revelation of the truth of Christ you have received in your spirit.  The revelation of Christ in you creates a sense of humility because it reminds you of the magnitude of His work and power.  You are dependent on Him. It is a work you could not have done for yourself.  Christ revealed also produces a sense of reverence as you recognize that there is no name more revered in heaven than His. You ask for nothing on your own merit. Christ revealed in you produces a respect for the purposes of God. Jesus came in the flesh at God’s appointed time. You learn to respect God’s timing for your life.  Finally, the reality that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and tongue confess that He is Lord, inspires reverence and awe for His sovereignty.  He is God.  The phrase in the name of Jesus, whether spoken or silently understood in your prayer is designed to reveal your understanding, connection, and commitment to God’s ability and purpose.

As you pray, approach God with humility and allow a pure sense of reverence to fill your heart.  Pray with respect to the work Christ has done and the privilege it grants you. Pray with the same desire Jesus had—that God be glorified.  When you have done this surely you have prayed in the name of Jesus.  You can then expect to see the power of Christ the Intercessor and Sovereign work in your life.

“And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.”  John 14:13

Blessings to you,