Don’t worry about correcting everyone. Don’t even try to.
Here’s a simple time and lifesaver. I’ve shared it for years with my family and my clients.
Everybody isn’t going to like you. Accept it, and move on. Don’t worry about it.
Know that you are loved, appreciated, and accepted by God.
Proverbs 9:8 says, do not try to correct someone who doesn’t like you. Beloved, please heed the word. You will save time, energy, tears, pain, and conversations with your pastor and everyone else if you follow the instructions. I know you believe you can win them over. Here’s a little news flash. They belong to God–not you. God has a plan for them. You must continue to be cordial. You must continue to be helpful. You must continue to operate in love. You must continue to pray for them, but your efforts to reprove, correct, and instruct should be geared toward those who love okay like you–they can receive from you, and it will go well for you and the Kingdom. They will love you.
The one who is not too fond of you will not listen and may even be offended by your rebuke and cause more of a problem for you. Remember, do not cast your pearls… Think of it this way: don’t let your desire to be helpful overrule the word God has spoken on the matter. He reigns.
That’s all I’ve got for today.
Blessings to you.
Pastor MC