I am praying for you. I am praying that you experience clarity of purpose, renewed commitment to pursue the desire He placed in your heart. I am praying that you possess the strength to run, walk, or be still according to his will. I am praying that you experience God’s love so profoundly today that you answer the call to be extraordinary with a resounding yes. I am praying that you embrace being set apart for a greater purpose and that you will surrender all to accomplish it. Trust Him.
May the peace and joy of God fill your inner man so completely that praise freely flows out of your mouth. May the divine nature of your purpose become more apparent with every small act of faith. May you receive physical strength and stamina to accomplish every task. May others see your good works and give praise to the Father.
You are blessed. Live like you know it, and no one can change it. #mcmpropheticintercession #strengthforGodswarriors #prayerworks #prophetic #apostolic #propheticprayer #christian #womanoffaith #believer