What: Today, I invite you to join me for a 30 day event that will usher in a change in the spiritual climate of your personal lives, faith communities, and the kingdom. It is called the 30/30 Prayer Event and it’s easy to participate.
For the next 30 days, simply increase your prayer time by 30 minutes. On the final day, join me a special prayer session. (live or by conference call)
Why 30/30? First, God desires to give you a new experience in Him. Great moves of God begin with the prayers of faithful people. God has plans to increase your life and the efficacy of the kingdom. Second, we must break the tendency to take God, His grace, mercy, and care of us for granted. God is the priority. We must reestablish proper priorities. Third, God is looking for those who will worship Him in spirit and truth not by ritual or routine. The effects of worship in spirit and truth are victory, joy, peace, and love that do not end. During this month, we are praying for the restoration of true worship– pure and powerful.
Who can participate? Anyone. Feel free to invite your friends, family, and colleagues to participate.
Where: You participate at home or wherever you normally engage in daily prayer. Additionally, for those in our local area, we will meet for corporate prayer at church on 30 July. For those who are out of the area, later in the month, you will be given an opportunity to connect with us by participating in a special prayer conference call.
When: July 1 –July 30
I am looking forward to 30 days of increased prayer. I am confident that your commitment to prayer has the potential to be the catalyst for powerful change in your life, the church, and the kingdom.
I will share more as the month progresses. I also invite you to share your thoughts, insights, and testimonies of the power prayer by replying to the 30/30 Blog posts.
Blessings to you,