“Let us therefore fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.”
Don’t underestimate the value and power of rest. Not only is rest good for you, but God promised us the gift of rest. We often seek the benefits of rest before fully taking hold of the promise.
In the Old Testament, Israel was required to observe the Sabbath. There were rest days, weeks, years, etc. Today, we’re called to embrace the principle of rest beyond the concept of vacation days. (though I love them) Let us instead move towards a healthier, more vibrant understanding of rest through the example of vacation.
During vacation time, we look forward to more sleep. Yet God says he gives his beloved rest. Great sleep and peaceful nights should be a part of your daily experience. Remember to surrender to him every day as you submit to the slower tempo of time off from work.
During vacation, we put work aside and focus more on things that make us smile. Umm, I could go on for days here, but let’s first remember that except the Lord build the house, they that labor work in vain. Living in the flow does not equate to living on the grind. God is our provider who faithfully supplies all our needs. When God gives you a desire to pursue, he also gives you the plan.
Departures from regular life routines also give us time to focus on things that bring us more laughter, fun, and excitement. Beloved, consider those things you choose to do during your downtime and begin to understand that they are connected to your life’s purpose. God did not create you to have a more fun vacation version of you. There is one you. You are complete in him. Be careful of situations that cause you to be someone or something other than what he intended. That does not mean discarding discretion, etiquette, and professionalism, but it is a call to be live and move in authenticity in all circumstances. He created you to be in constant connection with him. He wants you to find peace and joy in all things. How else will you really be light?
Ultimately, realizing that even your rest has eternal value is essential. Beyond getting more rest, he reminds us that in His presence, there is rest. To be overloaded and overburdened could be a clue that something is missing. God is not just interested in getting you away from the hustle of daily living so you can hear him better and spend time with him. He’s teaching you to seek him first. He’s cultivating in your a desire to prioritize him. He’s teaching you to hear his voice clearly so you can discern it among the many voices on the earth. He’s not just “blessing” you to appease your desire to travel. What good is it if you travel and forget that God loves everyone and may actually need you? The truth is, rest is to be a part of your daily experience, and somehow we’ve only scratched the surface here. Nevertheless, He invites you to trust his way, obey his word, follow the instructions, and leave the results to him.
Today, I challenge you to prayerfully consider the importance of rest from God’s perspective and determine that you will enter in once and for all. Don’t leave any promises on the table. Your extraordinary walk into destiny awaits.
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